6 Steps to On-board Employees Successfully in A Business!

3 min readApr 11, 2017

Do you imagine your employees to quit the job within 12 months? Do you prepare your annual budget to compensate with the expenses for replacing new hires?

A study reports that around 30 percent of the new hires quit their job within 24 months of employment and the cost for replacing an employee is more than 25 percent of their annual salary. Lack of structured, pro-active, cross-functional on boarding program might be a reason for employees to leave their job in a shorter span of time.

Employee On boarding is more than just one-day orientation explaining organizational values, goals, working culture and expectations to the employees and communicating with them regularly to keep a measure of their performance as well as their contribution in the overall growth of the organization.

Here are a few tips for having an effective employee on-boarding program.

  1. Create A Checklist:

Prepare a complete checklist of all on-boarding items and tasks given to employees ensuring that they learn what the company does. Going further, more steps can be added to this making the on-boarding process quick and interesting.

2. Create a Comfortable Work Station:

Every new hire needs to know values and customs of an organization. Building an environment of familiarity helps new hires to navigate the workplace making themselves more comfortable at work. Provide the new hires an access to important documents- such as employee handbook, organizational chart etc.

3. Provide Training with Clear Goals:

Train the new hires initially on the basis of what they already know about the company, further more adding goal-setting sessions to make them trained in practice based learning so that they can focus on utilizing most of the opportunities provided.

Also Read: TeemWurk Launches Self-On boarding Tool “BREEZE”

4. Measure the Impact:

Measuring the metrics of employees’ performance at the beginning is mandatory for successful employee onboarding. Keep track of employee retention and turnover, employee satisfaction and productivity and based upon those measures integrate methods to improve the areas that need more careful consideration.

5. Automate the Onboarding Process:

Automating the induction process releases HR team from all the hassles of manually onboarding the new hired employees. With an automated onboarding tool employee can update their personal information without getting into any tedious paperwork. Thus, HR team can focus on making employees more comfortable and adaptable in the new environment.

6. Build a Network:

Encouraging the new employees to make a quality relationship with leaders and team members help them build connections to stay longer in your organization. An employee who considers itself as a part of organization is less likely to leave the organization. Focusing on enhancing the social integration for employees enables you to retain them for long in the organization.

The Takeaway:

A new team member has the ability to develop a fresh perspective in the company. Introducing your core values from the very first day in the new hires establishes better employee retention. With TeemWurk BREEZE, employees can on board themselves in a fully automated system avoiding all paperwork and making the on-boarding process more soothing and swift.




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